H-PAD Plans for the January 3-6 AHA Convention in New York
Report on the RHR/H-PAD Affiliate Sessions at the 2020 AHA Annual Meeting
At the American Historical Association’s annual meeting, January 3-6 in New York City, H-PAD and the Radical History Review, which is an AHA affiliate organization, have organized a set of eleven sessions stretching from Friday afternoon into Sunday, all in the same room. Click here for a flyer listing the topics and their times, and here for full details on each session with names of the participants.
Two working groups of H-PAD, dealing with Immigration and Palestine respectively, have secured enough signatures to put resolution proposals on the agenda of the AHA Business Meeting, 5:15 – 7:30 Sunday, Jan. 5. Click here for the wording of these resolutions.
Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD) and Radical History Review (RHR)
Sessions at the 2020 American Historical Association Meeting